
There was this magical rude spell caster that lived in a big castle in the forest and he  was on the beach one day hanging out and he saw ships in the distance and he was feeling extra rude on that day and he just decided to sink ships that were just sailing along the ocean. He just snapped his fingers and he sunk them and he went back to his home. The next day he was making breakfast and he heard another boat and he went to the beach and he flicked his fingers and he destroyed the boat like the first time he just sunk them. This spell caster was known for destroying things that people are on and killing them with his fingers. He wasn’t the most rudest person but he just hates boats because his parents drowned from boats because they sunk. He wasn’t the most good looking guy either he went around with a cape and a suit so he looked like dr strange basically. He wasn’t just a magical rude spellcaster but his name was Michael and he was evil on the outside but he felt a little love on the inside. Too Be Continued...


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