
Showing posts from May, 2018

Pick a poem online/analyze it

My favorite food is pizza  Crunch Crunch Crunch  Scrunch Scrunch Scrunch  Crunch Bunch Crunch This Poem is talking about a favorite food 

3 positives of the week

The 3 positives of the week are getting map tests complete, Being able to go home and rest, Getting New Cement and helping my dad put rocks into our sidewalk to make it look more nice.

Map Testing

Map testing was pretty stressful because I had to sleep early and I had to wait like an hour so we can get to our other classes. But we took the wrong reading test so that was dumb.

End Of the year feels

I feel great because I can finally rest from school for a little while and I can go on vacations and my parents are getting married June 9th so that will be fun but the bad part is that I am going to be reading in Spanish.

What is poetry

Poetry is a mixture of rhymes and words

2 Poems

My Best Friend is my brother My Brother is great He is fun We play fortnite We go get food from McDonalds We Buy V Bucks We Play Basketball a lot He picks me up from school sometimes He buys me chips My favorite person is my mom She Makes Food For me She Helps me with homework She Taught me to speak Spanish She Was Born In Mexico

what it feels like to get to 50 blog posts

It feels good because now I know that I have succeeded for getting this goal and it just feels good knowing that...

Greek day

Greek day was a day where we would do Greek Olympics like long jump,Sprint,Frizbee and other things. We traded our Greek crafts for other Greek crafts and then we went into the classroom and then we ate Greek foods.