
Showing posts from December, 2017

Map testing

i think I did good during map testing and it felt sooooo long but at least we got 40 minuets of our classes and it felt like a fast day for the whole week. Plus it was much more easier because of the 40 minuete classes and we got to have treats in some classes and it was great and I feel myself improving on My Map Scores.

Slice Of Life

My slice of life is going to be the first movie I ever watched would probably be Star Wars the Clone Wars and that was a very good movie I really liked it and then Star Wars the last Jedi is coming this week that is going to be exciting for me at least because I really like all of the Star Wars movies they are really good.


My character is a SuperVillan and is named Madlegend and he is a god of war and he really smart and his powers are superspeed and superstrong he is 7 feet tall and he lives in a sewer system and that is where he hides out from people who will try to stop him from all the terror he causes each year for the town of Berwyn. He likes to kill in the night and when he sees someone interesting he would go for them and kill them like an animal. He always has to stay clear of cops because they have a gun that can disable his speed and if they shoot him with that gun he is vulnerable and they can catch him because the gun can make him go to sleep. He maybe the fastest man alive but he isn’t invisible so he can be taken down but he is too quick and he can dodge the shots that they shoot at him or he can catch the bullets.